The Blog

Do I Have to Host My Website with Optimize Worldwide?

No, of course not! Hosting is just another service that we offer.

Of course we like it when our clients choose to host their websites with us, but it is not a requirement. We can work with any hosting provider. We like it when you do host with us for a few reason though.

  1. We have access to your site to make immediate changes no matter what the future has in store.
  2. We are able to adjust server settings for optimal website performance.
  3. We don’t have to wait hours or days to hear back from online support when something goes wrong.
  4. We enjoy configuring your email accounts, free of charge.
  5. We receive instant notification when domains and hosting accounts are up for renewal so that there is no lapse or downtime.

Whatever you decide though we will be happy to work with you. We will never pressure you to move your hosting to us. We want you to be a happy Optimize Worldwide customer and if that means that you host your site elsewhere… well then we want what you want : )