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6 Great Ways Marketers Can Leverage the New LinkedIn

Have you seen LinkedIn’s new design?

LinkedIn has recently updated its profile page look. Some say this new look is easier to use and even consider it to be a type of fusion between the Facebook and Google +1 websites. But, why should you care about LinkedIn, when it is more business related than social related as other social media websites are? While it is true that LinkedIn is a type of social media platform in the business world, it can still have a significant impact for online marketers. There are more than a few reasons you should have an active account on the new LinkedIn social media platform..

Ease of Use

LinkedIn has recently had a new facelift, making it easier to navigate and view information that has to do with your industry. You can easily access information, from other associates or friends with similar business interests. The new look for this site makes you want to stay, participate in what others are doing and read important, relevant news to your industry. Additionally, the sleek, new look allows you to access information of interest faster and more easily.

Recommended News

In the top part of your LinkedIn page you’ll find the “LinkedIn Today recommends this news for you,” link, where you’ll get three recommended stories that relate to your profession or niche. As an online marketer you can recommend these news stories on other social platforms like Twitter or Facebook, use them as resources for your blog, newsletters or other content-related information. This can help establish your label and your experience in your industry through these other platforms. Basically, this LinkedIn feature offers you information to share with others.

Your Network Associates

Further down on your profile you can see the updates from your network connections. This works similarly to Facebook, but instead of social “friends” you have business associates who can offer you additional information, comments, or links that pertain to your industry. While these professional associations may not bring you business directly, they can recommend business to you, offer information you can use on websites, in advertisements or share with your social network on other websites.

Categorize and Filter the Update Stream

As a network marketer you don’t have a lot of time to find information to write about, share with others or to add to your blog. LinkedIn can help by allowing you to filter the update streams so you only get the most important shared information. This allows you to share it yourself, add a link to the information from one of your other social networks or to use as a resource to create your own blog post, advertisement, or landing page.


Just as you do on other social platforms, you want to participate on your LinkedIn account to create professional relationships. Remember these contacts can also lead to increased business and additional leads. If you want to increase brand awareness and gain marketing momentum on LinkedIn just as you do on other social sites, you need to be consistent in your participation; you need to be seen as an important contributor.

Include images, make your updates engaging, ask for suggestions, help and feedback.

LinkedIn is Becoming More Social

LinkedIn is on the brink of change, and is becoming a much more social website. This is an advantage to network marketers as it gives you a chance to establish yourself as an expert in your industry. It promotes your business and allows others within your network the opportunity to share your opinions with their associates, thereby growing your network and your list of business contacts.

Author Bio:
David Kendall is a freelance writer with a penchant for internet marketing. He enjoys sharing his insights on various marketing blogs.