The first telephone book was published in February 1878 and listed 50 New Haven, Connecticut businesses, offices, and individuals. Fortunately, that was just the beginning of the many innovations that would continually make it that much easier for potential customers to find the services for which they are seeking.
Now, the internet is comprised of somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 billion websites, many of which belong to businesses hoping to draw in potential customers and increase the sales of their products or services. As society quickly makes the shift from desktop computers to smartphones, so too must the businesses offering the products and services customers need.
Inviting Layouts
Mobile websites include less clutter and noise than their traditional desktop counterparts. For example, video “auto-play” can be turned off on smartphones, making your pages less distracting and encouraging readers to stick around. Your potential customers will also be pleased by faster loading speeds of pages that fit screens of all sizes.
Sites built with mobile friendly WordPress web design capabilities offer your visitors larger and easier-to-read text, reader view, and bold Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons. These features and the use of fewer pop-ups are proving themselves useful in generating sales.
User-friendly Options
Smartphone screen resolutions are crisper than ever, some offering the latest and most advanced displays ever. AMOLED, an active-matrix organic light-emitting diode activates each pixel faster than previous display technologies. Several sunlight visibility tests concluded with Apple’s iPhone X outscoring every other smartphone released in 2017.
Better displays allow your website to host bolder, attention-grabbing color schemes, pleasant maps and clear images with easier zoom and touch navigation capabilities. Mobile friendly websites also offer the ease of shareability not previously accomplished on desktops browsers including offline integration with the use of QR codes that can be placed on virtually any physical surface.
Increased Contact
Let’s face it, Google stays on top of your demographics and, therefore, who it shall direct toward your website versus the other guy. The algorithms determining who has the best search engine optimization (SEO) are also paying attention and give much more credit to sites with mobile capabilities than those without.
Increased SEO and the associated geographic proximity results it offers nearby clients will send your website to the top of the results page. Beyond that, your customers can call you right from that result list with just one click. Your address can also be opened up in a smartphone map app just as easily, instantly giving customers directions to your location.
In recent years, creating a mobile-friendly website has become incredibly easy to accomplish. The benefits seen by the many business owners who have chosen to upgrade using WordPress web design are quickly outpacing the costs involved in doing so.
According to a January 2018 study, 3.7 billion unique mobile users are active at any given time. Companies new and old have the capability to grab the attention of every one of those potential customers through the devices they hold most dear.