This morning I was pounding away at some code when a good friend and business partner, Joey Gartin, asked that I join him on Google Talk for a quick chat. We discussed the usual techie stuff and new plug-ins for WordPress, and then he fired off a link to me:
He asked if I had ever heard of Nimble and that he had signed up for a beta account about 10 months ago, but never did much with his account. I was still coding, chatting with Joey, and now finding room in my brain to visit the website link. I was impressed by the look and feel of the site, so I proceeded to take the tour. At first I thought it was just another social media monitoring tool, but I kept watching the video. Soon I realized that Nimble is much more than just social media monitoring, it’s a robust CRM.
I had been contemplating different tools for organizing my contacts and syncing data. The NimbleCRM had intrigued me enough to sign up for their free account. Within the first 20 mins of registration, I had all my contacts synced using Google Sync and then imported my contacts into NimbleCRM. I loved how the website loaded different panels with AJAX and found social media profiles for most of my contacts. I was sold on the idea of housing my contacts in the cloud, so I pulled my client list from QuickBooks and imported them via CSV file. I was able to add tags to my import so I knew who my clients where among the others.
I still need to explore the rest of the features and find out just how powerful ths tool might be. If anybody has been using NimbleCRM and has some cool tips, please post a comment.
In conclusion, at first glance and only 20 mins using NimbleCRM, I give it two thumbs up and I encourage you to sign up free for personal or business use.